To day is Saturday, like you, I always find something new from my gadget, like find motivation, education and many others.
Well, I love to share about How Waking Up Every Day at 4.30am Can Change Your Life by Filipe Castro Matos.
I think it's very interesting, you can read it before.
He talked about his challenge to wake up at 4.30 am and maked different in his routine life. It's just go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier, so simple, but harder, isn't it?
Well, actually there are a lot of experiences from some figures and successful CEOs in the world did it, even from 4.00 am.
They can check and reply e-mail first, do exercise, read newspaper, meet family in the morning,
The fact, As we know in our religion, the God "Allah" has said :
“Hai orang yang berselimut (Muhammad). Bangunlah (untuk shalat) di malam hari, kecuali sedikit (darinya). (Yaitu) seperduanya atau kurangilah dari seperdua itu sedikit. Atau lebih dari seperdua itu dan bacalah Al Qur’an dengan tartil (perlahan-lahan).” (Al Muzzammil:1-4)
and The Prophet Mohammad also said :
"Allah tabaaraka wata’aala turun setiap malam ke langit bumi, ketika malam tersisa sepertiga terakhir. Ia berkata, ‘Adakah yang memohon kepada-Ku agar Aku kabulkan, adakah yang meminta kepada-Ku agar Aku berikan, adakah yang memohon ampun agar Aku ampuni.’” (HR. Bukhari-Muslim).
So..make sure you also read Sumber Kekuatan di Ujung Malam.
See you in your experience..